Emeetation's mission is to help people find each other online in the most natural manner possible and facilitate the creation of synergies for the new, substantively worthwhile and united world.

Values and Team

The core values of the company include continuous development, diversity, equality, freedom and respect for the individual. We believe that a person should never stop learning or be limited in their creative expression. In the spirit of our platform, we encourage continuous professional and personal development in our employees. Always ready to provide the best and most up-to-date expertise to our customers and shareholders.
We are a team of highly skilled professionals, constantly looking for new talent to join us. We share different backgrounds, cultures and speak several languages, forming a vibrant community passionate about connecting people, educating them and helping them build strong personal and professional relationships.
Joining Emeetation would mean becoming a part of our family and actually gaining an opportunity to transform other people's lives. Working to give the world a comfortable digital environment that is capable of replacing and outgrowing offline communication, that is so rarely available today. Essentially making people worldwide happier, helping them find friends, life partners and outstanding professional opportunities as well as learn new skills.
We are currently hiring
You can find the list of open vacancies if you click here
Goals of the company
We believe in showing an individual behind a digital page, giving potential friends, employers, possibly even romantic connections, an opportunity to really see them, get to know them.
  • Transform the culture of online networking
    Our ultimate goal is to transform the culture of online networking, creating a digital space that is warm, intellectually stimulating and accepting of different opinions. We want people to get used to the comfortable environment we are creating. Encouraging them to implement it into their personal lives, making it easier to form and maintain strong connections both online and offline.
  • Encourage learning
    Our goal in 2021 is to record more webinars and attract more mentors in the most diverse fields. From game development to acting, theatre, communication and much more.

    We are looking forward to provide learning opportunities to thousands of people. Both experienced professionals and those just starting out their career or simply looking for personal growth.

  • Gain market share
    Emeetation sets the goal to attract a minimum of 1.2 million users by July 2021. Gaining a 0.5% share of the total of US social network users. Potentially expanding to a quarter of a billion and beyond
  • Make meeting new people easier
    We hope to facilitate thousands of introductions on the platform, allowing people to expand their network in a comfortable environment designed especially for meeting new people.
  • Make each person seen
    Our goal is to make sure that every person can be heard and seen sharing their thoughts and opinions. Most social media networks reduce the worth of a person to a picture, a bio and if it's professional – a resume. By July 2021 we envision a minimum of 1.2 million users in the US alone, who will be recording Show-ups (interactive short videos) expressing and introducing themselves.
  • Support worldwide communities
    Our goal is to provide a digital space for millions of communities around the world, struggling without the offline scene they are used to. Allowing everyone, from grassroots activists and theater fans to computer scientists and entrepreneurs to engage, network, mentor and learn within their own community.
Our contacts
Feel free to write us. We love to communicate.
114 John Street,
#224New York, NY 10272